

英漢字典: wear off

1. lose power;diminish in effect;disappear失效;效力減少;消失

    He could feel the wound aching again as the effect of the medicine wore off. 隨著藥性的漸漸消失,他感到傷口疼痛了。

    My headache isn't serious. It will wear off after an hour or so. 我的頭痛不嚴重,一小時左右就會好的。

    His enthusiasm for the plan seems to have worn off;he never speaks about it any more. 他對這項計劃的熱情似乎已經消失了,他現在提都不提了。

    His displeasure wore off. 他的不愉快心情漸漸消失了。

2. remove(nap,paint,etc. )through continuous pressure,fric tion,etc. 磨掉(絨毛、油漆等)

    The nap of your coat is worn off. 你外衣上的絨毛都磨光了。

    The brightness of the paint has worn off a little. 油漆的光澤已經有些磨損了。

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